WLC nursing students in simulation lab



作为我们护理课程的学生,您将在教室和我们最先进的护理实验室接受实践培训. 你将在密尔沃基大都会地区从事临床工作,为成人健康领域的各种弱势群体提供直接的患者护理机会, 心理健康, 儿科, 和妇产科. 你还将体验一个文化健康诊所,它提供了一种沉浸式的海外体验,或者有机会与当地社区的弱势群体一起工作. 在课程的最后一个学期,120小时的实习将帮助您从学生角色过渡到专业护士. 

我们护理课程的毕业生进入职场作为基督徒仆人领袖谁准备提供全面, high-quality patient care in a variety of settings.

Local Clinical Opportunities

信誉最好的网投平台排名,您将获得我们的护理学学士学位(B.S.N.)项目. 我们独特的地理位置和课程设计为您提供了参与各种临床经验的机会. 我们的护理学生在住院康复单位从事临床工作, assisted living facilities, elementary schools, 长期护理, and occupational health and community settings. Froedtert医院(一级创伤中心)和威斯康星州儿童医院, located across the street from WLC, as well as numerous other medical centers across Milwaukee, 为学生提供定期参与急症护理的机会.

Preparing the Next Generation of Christian Professional Nurses


  • 2024年5月参加国家委员会考试(NCLEX-RN)的护理毕业生100%通过了第一次尝试.
  • 我们2023年5月的护理毕业生100%在毕业后四个月内在威斯康星州和全国各地的医疗保健机构就业.

WLC nursing alumni currently hold desirable positions in emergency rooms, intensive care units, 创伤的单位, 妇产科医师单位, and oncology units. They currently work at Froedtert Hospital, Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, Aurora Sinai Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, and Columbia St. Mary's Hospital, as well as a variety of other settings throughout the nation.

医疗保健专业人员在他们的社区中发挥着真正的、可衡量的作用, across the nation, 和国外. Studying the health sciences at WLC, 你将获得一个强大的科学基础,支持你的成长和发展, the personal care and attention of our faculty, 我们的小校园在一个大城市的魅力,有各种各样的医疗设施. You'll graduate confident, fully prepared to live your purpose.


In 2018, 我们将Generac Hall的一部分改造成了专门的护理模拟实验室和教室. In addition to robust clinical and preceptor opportunities, 我们的护理专业学生在实验室中接受中等和高保真的人体病人模拟器的培训,以模拟病人的诊所和医院房间. The labs allow students to take vital signs, hear heart and lung sounds, care for wounds, 并设置静脉注射, practicing their skills before treating real patients. Our labs include VALT, an audio visual capture system, to provide real-time observation of simulations in our nursing classroom, 记录, and post-simulation debriefs.


维多利亚, 一个栩栩如生的, high-fidelity simulator, 提供全方位的功能,为我们的护理学生提供真正身临其境的体验. She is a birthing simulator, but she is also used for complex medical-surgical simulations, 这意味着大三和大四的学生都利用维多利亚来补充他们在临床课程中的学习.

Meet Susie and Patty Anne

我们的两个最新的模拟器可以由我们的教师远程控制和编程的各种生命体征, 心的声音, and lung sounds, 等. Sophomores will use these simulators for practicing skills, such as learning assessment techniques, medication administration, catheter and nasogastric tube insertion, and IV management. 大三和大四学生将在实验室的临床场景中使用这些模拟器,模拟现实生活中的护理情况.

See for yourself! 

安排你的 personal visit experience 并要求参观我们的护理实验室,或通过我们的 panoramic 360° immersive virtual tour.

Plan Your Visit

Direct Admission to the 护理专业

WLC大一新生入学可直接进入护理专业(无候补名单). 所有符合护理学院学术进步标准的全日制非转学学生(e.g. >2.75 GPA) should expect to graduate in four years.

The School of 护理 at WLC

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